30 Sep
Dating Yourself

Dating yourself

As a ride in the city,

Go slowly to see the scenery and people around,

No worries, just running is fun.

Be here right now, doing what I'm doing.

Dating yourself is the days,

Study and research what you like,

It doesn't matter how deep or wide you learn, what you can do,

No one to compare, no goal to conquer,

Not too serious and rigid, learning for fun will be different,

When you need to stop, you will stop, when you want to study, you will continue.

Falling in love with it too deep,

Learn slowly, learn slowly,

It takes a long time to soak,

If soaked long enough, it becomes part of the subconscious.

Learned...sometimes some things don't use it anyway,

Whatever you learn, do it  and have fun.


Dating yourself is the days,

Play music, no need to try to play a complete, 

Just relax, the music through the heart, the hands, the cell memories, the mind, the melody is emitted by itself.

Sometimes in the chaos of sounds, playing a melodious piece, unexpectedly beautiful,

Self-praising pitiful, too creditable.


Date yourself is a days,

Do nothing,

Lying down listening to your favorite music in loop mode,

Close the door, take off your clothes,

Shaking your butt, chucking your ass, dancing,

Sometimes I get too immersed in my mind, sometimes my body dances some martial arts, it's so cool sometimes,

The body gets the memory information someone finds relevant to it, from the source,

She has her own consciousness,

What area has Qi, the energy to be transported, to?

I think I can adjust it myself.

Instead of sitting in a sitting meditation is too boring,

Sometimes it's okay to change dishes, dance, sing, and draw

Make it fun.


Dating yourself,

Look at yourself in the mirror, cuddle, cherish,

Eat healthy food, delicious food to nourish the body and soul,

Sometimes I spoil myself a bit, buy whatever you like and eat it, don't maintain it, it's okay to be a little addicted to anything.

But it's okay if you're addicted to anything. Depending on the person, depending on programming, physical condition, that is favorable or not. There is no mold, anyone, any stage is fine. If not, then the mind-body points itself out in the direction it needs to rebalance itself. No one understands my body better than me. If you don't understand, go find out. Hehe.

Walk/drive on the road without knowing the destination.

Too lost, afraid to go home, then ask people, ask google to go home. Every time I get lost, it's so much fun, I suddenly remember that road forever, without effort.

I'm dating myself.

Only I can understand myself,

What do you need, what do you like, what do you do?

Only you know how to love yourself the most.

Bored of things, bored of work, tired of playing with people around, then come back and play with yourself.

Where there is so much unconditional love always.


Thank you for being Here and Now.

Bé Hien.

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