30 Apr
Old Fashion

Old Fashion

Articles about Karma, based on meritorious karma, I see as the kind of mind of the previous era. Feeling the energy side, the idea that the article focuses, focuses on the fear that threatens people about their actions and thoughts.

Reviewing yourself is also a good thing. But to cling to the memory of the past, or to worry about an uncertain future is possible. That way of operating life is not very effective. Although the general intention of the article is good, it directs people to the realization of the law of "Cause and Effect". 

But for me, I don't like that cognitive aspect very much, because it's a bit Old Fashion.

Now that the time of Aquarius, we will be updated. The "you are what you are" consciousness, "correspondingly," I see it transforms immediately, turns on the brakes faster, breathes easier, more chill for me, and is less depressed than the old consciousness. It's up to everyone's taste, this is just my personal taste. In my eyes, there is no right or wrong, or the best things, only the most suitable one, because every form of consciousness is great and has its own role in each of its processes.

I realize what I am and what I am not. Then begins the process of creating and choosing reality. Focus on what you choose to be, no matter what state you're in. Be self-compassionate and aware of the core of who I really am. So beautiful, right?~ hehe       

If you love yourself a little more, that you've saved the world. Sometimes I joke, when I'm lazy and doing nothing, I save the world. Hehe.

 It's not something that's far from the outside. It's so simple.

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