Ngọc Hiền
10 Aug

I used to admire my friend.

And wondering if I could become so awareness like them, a Wise one who are so humble and kind.

In my friend circle there are Coaches, Healer, light worker... ect, even some are Teachers.

Until I start to be with myself and no more hiding and keep on digging deep. Facing my own shadow. Huging and loving my own wounded self. 

Now I starting to see so much Gifts within me behind all the wounds that I had that I don't really appreciate to the fullest.

 The beaming Light that waiting me to be seen.

"I start Admiring Myself "

 "Admiting the Need to be seen to be recognized"

" Seeing and behold dearly the Gift the Light in me"

No longer compare myself with other friend gifts.

Who else I can be if I am not Myself ?Who can be me ? Except myself ?So much Beauty so delicate so humble so kind so brave so joyful and so much fun to be around and super curious and dare to challenge/ to know more about other things/ spirits/ energy outside physical realm. Such a gift in psychic such a gift in connection with everyone. Who else that I can be ? 

By being myself.

I am so Great I am so Awesome Yeah me. 

Go Hien,

Hiền with A BIG FAT LOVE to myself

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