Ngọc Hiền
10 Jun
English - Vietnamlish

So... Why English ?

Everything I write so far is in English or half English with Vietnamese.

And my Youtube Channel, half of it will be in English too.

Even though it's not my Mother Language. But I have strong connection with Myself when I'm using English. For me English is a tool for my own "Core Expression". 

- Go straight to the Point.

- Reducing the fillter of the Mind.

- It's own Vibration fit me the most.

 When I read Tao Te Ching of LaoTzu, I can only also understand it in English. Each words in the "Book of the Way" naturaly become a part in me.

Don't get me wrong, Eastern Language has it own beauty and uniqueness and has it own creation to use for. I must admit that.

When I deeply talk to myself I use English.

When I talk about my Truth to other, I use English.

 When I channel the messages from the Higher Source, I recieved it in English.

 Some English words was teaching to me by the Spiritual Guides.

It's Funny. I learn English through them also. Haha.

So... Thanks Guides.

That 's all for today. 101 things about Hien.

Thank you for getting to know me and wanting to explore your own Universe with me. And yet going with me will support our English become better. Haha. 

Hiền with Love and Motivation. #HealerHien#HealingwithHien#Englishismytool 

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