Ngọc Hiền
10 Jun
Self Compassion

The path that brings me Home is Self - Compassion.

Which turn all of my worthiness problem goes away.

Which compassion can I give to other when it's not coming from myself first ? I maybe the best at it. Then it start to radiate it out to have the True compassion for others.

That is the True compassion for me. Someone could be so kind so nice to themself first and for all. Our presence brings other presence, our true-self bring other true-self, our compassion bring compassion from other.

For me someone could treat themself like this - is a true Teacher, a true Master for me. Not the title of your profession, is the Way You Live - the Embodiment of the Essense of you truely are - Our true Identity - the Core.

Hien with passion of life - writing her Heart out.


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